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Marzo 2025
28 Maggio 2012
Lessons in social enterprise.
di Vita Sgardello
17 Aprile 2012
A new magazine promises to focus on the good there is in the world
15 Marzo 2012
The one-click trick that might bring a revolution ito the world of fundraising
8 Marzo 2012
A brand new website rewards people for being green saving them up to 200 euros per year
20 Febbraio 2012
A new invention has landed on London's streets: an eco friendly news and paper bin
13 Febbraio 2012
27 million people live in slavery. A teaching resource for Serbian schools raises awareness of human trafficking
2 Febbraio 2012
Travel videos with a twist. Every video sold means one video will be made for charity for free.
18 Gennaio 2012
Transforming weeds into lightweight batteries. Why science and social innovation go hand in hand
13 Gennaio 2012
Pachi Tamer, filantropo dell'era dei social network
9 Gennaio 2012
An old malt factory in Berlin is about to become the world's largest urban fish and veg farm
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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