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Marzo 2025
12 Gennaio 2015
ThinkYoung, the first think tank concerned with young Europeans, present their Erasmus Generation Survey, «aimed at highlighting the policy direction that the youth want and expect from the European Institutions».
di ThinkYoung
18 Dicembre 2014
ThinkYoung, the first think-tank concerned with youth, has organised a charity dinner to raise funds to support UNICEF’s fight against Ebola.
11 Dicembre 2014
The 10th edition of the Entrepreneurship School will be held by ThinkYoung, Huawei and the University of Hong Kong-Winter 2015.
21 Novembre 2014
More and more young Europeans are looking at moving abroad in the hope of a bright and better future
7 Luglio 2014
ThinkYoung, the first think tank that focuses on young people, have released a video documentary on startuppers who failed and started again, as part of Fail2Succeed, the first pan-European campaign of its kind.
17 Dicembre 2012
"Although the state is young, if the people want it, you have no right to stand in the path of their dream”.
11 Dicembre 2012
Member of the eurozone since 2011, Estonia’s economy grew 7.6 percent last year, a remarkable growth that is 5 times higher than the Eurozone average.
30 Ottobre 2012
2012 Nobel Peace Prize to EU is good news but Europe lacks economic and political unity
17 Aprile 2012
How dance and music can unite people in taking a stand against HIV and AIDS
28 Febbraio 2012
A conference to empower young Kosovars
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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