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Marzo 2025
28 Dicembre 2010
On January 1, 2011 Hungary takes on the EU presidency for six months.
di Thibault Chardon
6 Settembre 2010
German biotech company BASF is in Brussels to explain how not-yet approved GM crops were planted in Sweden
19 Agosto 2010
France's expulsion of hundreds of illegal Roma immigrants has begun
31 Marzo 2010
Eurosif makes recommendations to the EC
16 Marzo 2010
What the Forbes list means for global philanthropy
2 Gennaio 2010
James Cameron on the main themes of his latest film extraordinaire - a reflection of his own "eco morals"
19 Novembre 2009
$500 million pledged for entrepreneurs
23 Ottobre 2009
UNHCR reports an increase by 10% in asylum seekers over the first part of 2009
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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