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Dicembre 2024 / Gennaio 2025
8 Aprile 2006
The law is set to come into force on April 19
di Stefanie Schiffer
7 Aprile 2006
First ever regional Aids conference is planned in Moscow 15-17 May 2006
The Charities Aid Foundation Russia is announcing a grant competition for scholarships for young students funded by the Potanin foundation
6 Aprile 2006
Minsk residentes are bringing parcels to prisoners held in Belarusian prisons
9 Aprile 2004
A new program aiming to support east-east European partnership and cooperation among NGOs from Germany, Poland, Belarus and Ukraine has been launched
7 Aprile 2004
Ecologists demonstrated against the project of the East Siberian-Pacific Sea Pipline
6 Aprile 2004
Russian Ngos presented their report for the third round of EC-Russia Consultation on human rights
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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