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Febbraio 2025
26 Aprile 2006
The administrative regulations concerning the new Russian NGOs legislation have been published
di Stefanie Schiffer
25 Aprile 2006
On March 15th several UN agencies and the International Organisation on Migration have presented a research on trafficking in people in Russia.
A series of social pharmacies is going to be installed in the city of St.Petersburg
The initiators declare that the idea is to involve Russian citizens in philanthropic activities
10 Aprile 2006
The Kyiv Regional Office of the Eurasia Foundation and Philip Morris Ukraine launched a new initiative to improve the live of disabled people
In March President Jushchenko voted a draft law aiming to regulate the Ukrainian volunteer movement (draft law No7550)
9 Aprile 2006
On May 6, a Cultural-information festival will be held in (Western Ukraine with the main aim to inform about the current HIV/AIDS situation
Counterpart Creative Center, Kiev conducted a nation-wide study of the current state of corporate philanthropy
8 Aprile 2006
In March 2006 a European Information Centre has been opened in Lviv
Open Russia is applying to international donors for support
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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