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26 Maggio 2006
A Call for Proposals for the South-East Finland - Russia Partnership Programme supporting cross-border co-operation across the Finnish-Russian border
di Stefanie Schiffer
On 16th May in Moscow's olympic stadium the Danone company sponsored the annual festival "Nadezhda" for children from Muscovite orphanages
In April 2006 the citie's first Volunteer Agency opened in Chernivci, Western Ukraine, in order to encourage inhabitants to become active in local NGOs and social projects
The European Commission's micro-grant program for the support of Ukrainian Grassroot NGOs Further Strengthening of Civil Society has started the implementation phase in spring 2006.
Members of the Ukrainian intelligentsia call to ban Belarusian violators of human rights from entering or travelling through the territory of Ukraine.
14 Maggio 2006
Youth Bank active in Russian regions
The Eu has published an open tender for a total budget of 5 million euro to strengthen grass root organisations in the Russian Federation
President Putin orders Transneft to change Baikal pipline route in favour of ecological reservation
The company Rusal has started a programme on the support of childrens' sport opportunities in spring 2006
13 Maggio 2006
German - Russian Youth Foundation has opened its office in Hamburg
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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