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7 Novembre 2008
Italy is one of the countries that most contributes to the European Union financially, but it is not among the countries that receive the most funds from Brussels.
di Staff
According to the experts, the African continent may be the least affected by the world's stock market crisis. By Joshua Massarenti
5 Novembre 2008
How will financial crisis affect fundraising?
UK magazine Social Enterprise has launched an innovative expedition to India to track the budding social enterprise movement, by rickshaw.
4 Novembre 2008
London will host the 8th international conference on responsible credit on November 13-14.
The UN is in China this week to examine the effects of rapid urbanisation
From November 2 to 9, the European Youth Week 2008 will be part of the agenda across 31 European countries.
Econnect, a joint project to protect the biodiversity of the Alps, kicks off in Vienna on November 4.
By Jason Starks
Imagining (& creating) a career market for Europe's third sector
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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