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11 Novembre 2008
Humanitarian response in Congo under strain as tens of thousands are newly displaced
di Staff
International charities have welcomed Obama’s election as it may mean a more flexible approach to family planning counselling, currently restricted by the USA’s strict anti-abortion stance.
African experts do not expect too much from America’s “African” president: Africa is not high on his agenda. And they warn that it is he who will expect a lot from them.
The US President elect says his top priority will be a new, green energy economy. Here is what to expect and what it means for our aching planet.
Italian advertising guru Gavino Sanna explains the key to Obama’s success: a perfect campaigning machine and an artful internet strategy.
A volunteer army of activists have managed the unexpected: Obama for president. The philosophy behind their success? One to one leadership. Here is the recipe.
The IV Congress University and Cooperation for Development will take place from November 12-14 in the University “Autonoma” in Barcelona. It will value, analyze and propose challenges to the future of university cooperation for development.
The Guardian reports on how the charity embraces gaming and social networking in bid to reach more young people
The Elders ask you to pledge your support for human rights to celebrate 60 years of universal rights.
8 Novembre 2008
Sign UNIFEM's petition
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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