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Marzo 2025
18 Novembre 2008
Geneva will host the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) in November 21.
di Staff
Three in four European consumers still donate money to charities
Italy will host the first European Conference on Microfluidics in December 10-12 at the University of Bologna.
Frankfurt will host the conference "Integration and Diversity in communities" in November 18.
People in poor countries spend up to 80% of their income on food, according to aid agencies.
17 Novembre 2008
Two online giving websites have launched Christmas voucher schemes.
Live Earth concert to raise funds for lighting homes with solar energy in places where people do not have access to electricity.
The Irish third sector is run by a female workforce, reveals a survey on the state of the third sector in Ireland.
The international convention on cluster munitions is to be signed in Oslo on 3 December 2008. The Ban Bus is touring through Europe to build public and media awareness in support for the cluster bomb ban.
46664 is a global HIV/AIDS campaign that was started by South African leader Nelson Mandela in 2003. This year the concert commemorating world AIDS day will be in Rio de Janeiro, November 30.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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