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Febbraio 2025
22 Luglio 2013
Nominations are open for the Zero Project, that researches the most outstanding innovations worldwide in the area of disabilities.
di Staff
19 Luglio 2013
The award has been launched to promote and support social innovation on active and healthy ageing
16 Luglio 2013
According to the Social Enterprise UK report, social entrepreneurship is taking over the country. Social enterprise has three-times the start-up rate of the mainstream SMEs. 38% of social enterprises have a female leader, compared with 19% of SMEs
10 Luglio 2013
Smartup Eurasia is an online platform to map social innovation events in Europe and Central Asia
3 Luglio 2013
Alston Moor in Cumbria is a small rural city, home to a number of social enterprises and community-owned businesses. The sector has a combined annual turnover of around £1 million.
2 Luglio 2013
Members of the European Parliament voted by large majority in support of a resolution for a European Foundation Statute which will make it easier for foundations to support citizens'initiatives across Europe
28 Giugno 2013
GSK and Save the Children today launched a $1 million Healthcare Innovation Award to identify and reward innovations in healthcare which have proven successful in reducing child deaths in developing countries
25 Giugno 2013
The competition that celebrates the work and achievements of people and organizations in the UK’s growing social enterprise movement is now open
18 Giugno 2013
Innobasque is organizing a conference on “Social innovation, creating value with and for the people” in Bilbao in the 28th of June. The European Commission will present the "Guide to Social Innovation" at the conference
14 Giugno 2013
If you are interested in advocating and lobbying in EU institutions this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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