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Marzo 2025
1 Dicembre 2008
1 December 2008 marks the 20th anniversary of World AIDS Day. This year’s theme is “lead, empower, deliver”, to highlight the urgent need for immediate action to halt the 2 million HIV related deaths every year.
di Staff
(RED)WIRE is a digital music magazine that raises funds to fight HIV in Africa.
30 Novembre 2008
Germany has pledged an extra 8.7 million euros to support various FAO projects in the fight against hunger.
28 Novembre 2008
In 2008 the Party of European Socialists (PES), which has its headquarter in Brussels, has organized the Women Annual Conference on "Women in politics" in Madrid on 29 November.
Brown’s government has approved the first law in the world that specifically tackles climate change.
On the occasion of the International Day of people with disabilities, VitaEurope met Peter Wehrli, founder of the Zentrum für Selbstbestimmtes Leben, Switzerland’s first and only Centre for independent living.
27 Novembre 2008
Geneva will host the Forum on Minority Issues in December 15-16.
Brussels will host a day conference about the nuclear civil energy in Europe, in November 27.
The United Nations Climate Change Conference will take place in Poznań, Poland in December 1-12 2008.
25 Novembre 2008
The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, 2 December, recalls the date of the adoption, by the General Assembly, of the United Nations Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution...
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