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11 Dicembre 2008
In December 12 Brussels will host the conference “Equal Participant In The Intercultural Dialogue” to discuss how dialogue could help creating a more tolerant and inclusive society.
di Staff
10 Dicembre 2008
by Rassmea Salah
9 Dicembre 2008
The meeting on the European year of intercultural dialogue will take place in December 11, in Brussels.
The Conference "FIGHTING THE GLOBAL FOOD CRISIS THROUGH CONSUMER CO-OPERATION" will take place on December 10, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm at the European Parliament in Brussels.
European Federation for Street Children (EFSC) in partnership with The European Roma Information Office (ERIO) will organize in December 10, a public awareness raising event to be organized in the European Parliament.
5 Dicembre 2008
82 million euros will be allocated to the Italian Servizio Civile fund in 2009, a big step forward from last year- known as the “zero volunteer” year in Italy after servizio civile funds were cut.
Power in the hands of multinationals. According to Pasquale De Sena, an expert in international rights, this is the greatest threat to human rights today.
4 Dicembre 2008
Funding for 15 million euros was yesterday announced for the Irish Fair Trade Network to support more than 435,000 poor east African farmer
DG 'Health and Consumers' will organise this conference within the activities of the EU Health Forum in Brussels on December 5.
European Commissioner Ján Figel’ Commissioner for Education, Training, Culture and Youth will welcome the event on Creativity and Innovation European Year 2009 on December 5, in Brussels.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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