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Marzo 2025
27 Dicembre 2008
Il trattamento fiscale delle erogazioni liberali agli enti non profit
di Staff
21 Dicembre 2008
By Chrisanthi Giotis, Social Enterprise Magazine
19 Dicembre 2008
On December 23 2003, the General Assembly decided to declare 19 December, United Nations Day for South-South Cooperation.
18 Dicembre 2008
December 18 marks the day in which civil society raises awareness on immigration.
Translated by Rassmea Salah
15 Dicembre 2008
By Paul Jump, Third Sector Online
By Agnieszka Rymsza
12 Dicembre 2008
The agreement made by EU leaders on December 12 at Poznan, known as the climate and energy package, has been condemned as a failure by Climate Action Network Europe, Friends of the Earth Europe, Greenpeace, Oxfam and WWF.
11 Dicembre 2008
On the 13th of December Monsignor Giovanni Nervo, one of the founders of Caritas in Italy, turns 90. A life dedicated to charitable, humanitarian and intellectual initiatives.
In December 15-16 Brussels will host the conference "School Fruit: a healthy start for our children - Promoting School Fruit Schemes in the European Union."
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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