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Marzo 2025
13 Gennaio 2009
Denmark’s new legislation for mandatory corporate responsibility reporting is a model of its kind, wrote Paul Hohnen of Ethical Corporation (13 January 2009). A recent amendment to the Danish Financial Statements Act, which came into force on January 1, 2009,...
di Staff
By Rassmea Salah
12 Gennaio 2009
A virtual platform helps tourists make their travels more sustainable.
WWF's Generation-Climate campaign showcases the stories of people from around the world who witness the effects of climate change on their own hands. Like Diego Redini.
EESC plenary session will discuss the priorities of the Czech Presidency, a renewed social agenda and the internal market, on January 14-15 in Brussels.
On January 19-21 Brussels will host a conference on how to manage the links between energy and water for a sustainable future organized by COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology.
On January 19 New York Teen Pregnancy Network will organize a conference on teen pregnancy prevention in Hampshire.
9 Gennaio 2009
On January 7-10 London will host the world conference on HIV/AIDS eradication organized by Global Health organization.
On February 17-18 the 3rd annual climate change summit 2009 will take place in London in order to discuss how to manage environmental risks, create new products and get your message across stakeholders.
ABB, the leading power and automation technology group, is enabling sugar cane plants throughout Central America become self-sufficient producers of energy and earn substantial revenues by exporting surplus electricity to local power grids.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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