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23 Gennaio 2009
Urban ecology, climate change, sustainable urban transport, bioconstruction, water management. These are some of the themes included in the curriculum of a new kind of school: the eco university.
di Staff
Amnesty International has welcomed the new US administration’s moves to suspend military commission proceedings at Guantánamo as a “positive sign”.
22 Gennaio 2009
Conferenza stampa presso lo stadio di Cesena per presentare il progetto I Draghi del Cesena
21 Gennaio 2009
By Suzanne Perry , Chronicle of Philanthropy
19 Gennaio 2009
The EC’s proposal to regulate timber and timber products is deemed insufficient by both the Parliament rapporteur and environmental groups as it only aims at “minimising the risk” that illegally harvested timber and timber products make it into Euro
If, as Freedom House’s annual survey of political rights and civil liberties highlights, for the third year in a row 2008 closed with a global decline in freedom, what is in store for 2009? According to the NGO 46% of...
16 Gennaio 2009
On 22 and 23 January 2009, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) will hold a conference entitled "Rien ne va plus? Ways to rebuild the European Social Market Economy" dealing with the present international financial situation and the risks...
15 Gennaio 2009
UNICEF's flagship publication, launched on January 14, The State of the World's Children 2009, addresses maternal mortality, one of the most intractable problems for development work.
A report released by the CAF and the NCVO in December 2008 demonstrates that while cash donations have fallen by £367 million in one year, regular giving is on the rise.
On Saturday 17 January the first national Italian demonstration to ask for an end to the war in Gaza will take place. Organisers say: There needs to be a coordinated diplomatic initiative for peace. By Daniele Biella.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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