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Marzo 2025
16 Febbraio 2009
La Venture Philanthropy sbarca in Italia
di Staff
13 Febbraio 2009
Volunteers are Europe's hope - both in view of the crisis and in view of the European elections, according to EMP volunteering champion Marian Harkin, who described them "agents of change".
11 Febbraio 2009
According to a new report on the EU’s social economy the third sector would account for 6% of the continent’s entire workforce.
La Provincia di Modena con il supporto di Focus Lab organizzano la Terza Edizione del Premio RSI
10 Febbraio 2009
GBS e ROMA TRE organizzano per giovedì 12 febbraio una giornata di studio dal titolo Il Bilancio Sociale nelle Aziende Sanitarie
4 Febbraio 2009
The Jak Bank has existed in Sweden for 40 years and in 1997 it became an officially recognised bank. Its “point saving” mechanism guarantees loans at 2% interest rate.
NGO field workers may work in the margins – of the world and of society. But thanks to an innovative Blog platform and TV network, issues like development and sustainability will now be broadcast live for the world to hear.
2 Febbraio 2009
by Rassmea Salah
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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