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Marzo 2025
13 Marzo 2009
Unless water occupies a more central role in decisions regarding crises such as climate change and food security, a global water shortage could ensue - leading to political conflict and insecurity, says a new report.
di Staff
A Spanish film-documentary tells the story of an exceptional man: Paolo Pineda. Who tells us that there is nothing wrong with being Down Syndrome.
Staff retention and training is perceived as the biggest challenge to companies in the next 5-10 years
10 Marzo 2009
Amendment to Polish electoral law that was to enable many of the disabled and elderly to vote in the European Parliamentary elections has been blocked. By Agnieszka Rymsza
6 Marzo 2009
Best practices on Women’s day
4 Marzo 2009
The Indian third sector has seen a boost in interest following the success of Oscar winning film Slumdog Millionaire.
26 Febbraio 2009
by Agnieszka Rymsza
20 Febbraio 2009
By Social Enterpise Magazine
18 Febbraio 2009
Italy takes humanitarian action one step further
By Agnieszka Rymsza
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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