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Febbraio 2025
19 Settembre 2013
The European Progress Microfinance Facility has granted €50 million loans to 6000 entrepreneurs
di Staff
17 Settembre 2013
It’s called ECOCITY and it will take place in Nantes, France, from 25 to 27 September.
13 Settembre 2013
DansMaRue is a free app allowing Parisians to highlight anomalies observed in the streets
10 Settembre 2013
A massive volunteer action involving more than 100 countries and 8 million volunteers to clean up garbage in 24 hours.
9 Settembre 2013
A piece of research carried out in the UK analyses the trends in social enterprise training across the country. The hot topic is Social Impact Measurement
6 Settembre 2013
Fondazione Ant's international conference will be held in Bologna from 12 to 14 September, to discuss the issue of sustainable healthcare
5 Settembre 2013
The EC has launched iCapital, a competition to award the city with the best innovation ecosystem. The winner will receive a €500,000 award.
3 Settembre 2013
Bluemove is a carsharing project supported by Creas Fundo Social, the first independent fund in Spain that invests in social enterprise projects.
2 Agosto 2013
Libres is a free software to prevent and denounce domestic violence
31 Luglio 2013
The UK education charity Teach First are launching their 2013 Innovation Award to help more people in the UK put their game changing ideas into action
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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