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Marzo 2025
23 Marzo 2009
Dedicando una decina di minuti all’indagine on-line “Monitor delle Donazioni”, organizzata da VITA Consulting e da Tomorrow SWG, puoi esprimere la tua opinione sui temi della donazione benefica e del volontariato. E puoi aiutare a comprendere meglio il mondo del...
di Staff
20 Marzo 2009
The legal mozzarella. One of southern Italy’s best known symbols – the Mafia – now has a new enemy it had better watch out for: buffalo mozzarella.
Rose Hackman talks to Arno Truger on fighting to put civilians and the human being back into peace and security.
Selene Biffi talks to Kadri Kalle about AEGEE’s latest green developments
17 Marzo 2009
The happy news of released aid workers in Somalia and Sudan highlights the continuing threat posed on those working in danger zones
16 Marzo 2009
by Selene Biffi Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen was an avid gamer studying psychology at the University of Copenhagen. His interests surrounding gaming and learning eventually led him to a PhD on the same topic at the IT University of Copenhagen. His own...
by Selene Biffi
13 Marzo 2009
Unless water occupies a more central role in decisions regarding crises such as climate change and food security, a global water shortage could ensue - leading to political conflict and insecurity, says a new report.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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