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7 Aprile 2009
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6 Aprile 2009
250 people were killed, hundreds injured and tens of thousands left homeless in L’aquila’s region today after a powerful earthquake shook the area, severely damaging a historic city and surrounding villages.
Sister Teresa talks about the every day fight against an increasing poverty in Turin, northern Italy.
31 Marzo 2009
Estonian organisation My Estonia is seeking to get an 100,000 citizen particpation in a one-day brainstorming session to be held nation-wide on May 1.
Civil society organisations across Europe are pressing candidates for change through self-publsihed manifestos. Here are but a few.
25 Marzo 2009
Dejan Georgievski, English editor of One World South East Europe (SEE) talks about the effects of the global financial crisis on the Republic of Macedonia, the young Balkan state which counts just over half a million inhabitants
23 Marzo 2009
A new online supermarket allows people with personal budgets to find and purchase care services more easily
American President Barack Obama calls on the American people to volunteer
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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