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17 Aprile 2009
Michael Hopkins describes the threat posed by the crisis on CSR arguing for an increase in the model's widespread use.
di Staff
When it comes to providing overseas aid, Switzerland commits itself also in countries with bad rights records.
16 Aprile 2009
The Irish Association of Development NGOs attacked government cuts in aid budget
Spending cuts in the 2009 budget. But investment plans remain intact
14 Aprile 2009
The head of the African Unit at the European Commission thanks VITA's raising in awareness on the situation in Congo.
The energy company has committed £120,000 to provide assistance in improving energy efficiency
The building for homeless families already experienced fires
European corporate responsibility and sustainability research organisations to meet new standard
9 Aprile 2009
Volunteers from organisations on the field, tell their individual stories in fighting for the many victims of the earthquake.
8 Aprile 2009
US President declared its commitment in rebuilding relationship with the Muslim world
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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