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Marzo 2025
24 Aprile 2009
The initiative was fostered to promote volunteering and realize the matching between organizations and volunteers.
di Staff
Agnieszka Rymsza, having attended a conference in Warsaw on the subject, discusses the relationship between the Church and Civil Society, and how this could be changed for mutual benefit.
23 Aprile 2009
The EU Agency on information security calls for more cooperation at national and European levels to better public communication networks.
The Spanish city will host the world’s leading trade fair and conference on new environmental technologies and policies
22 Aprile 2009
American President Barack Obama celebrates his 100 days in office by signing the Serve America Act. The signing comes just days after the appointment of Sonal Shah as head of the new Office on Social Innovation.
21 Aprile 2009
Mario Sepi talks about the launches of the Integration Forum and website, as well as the EESC's civil society manifesto
G8 calls for improving food security and agrees with conducting a study on coordinated food stock; but no concrete measures have been taken yet, Oxfam said.
With the setting up of new philanthropic organisations rises the need for a behaviour and coordination code in the health sector funding.
On 23rd and 24th May an international group of rights activists concerned with the freedom of expression will gather in Istanbul for the sixth time.
20 Aprile 2009
Norway intends to expand ethical rules for investing its vast surplus wealth to include bans on owning shares in tobacco companies and in the worst contributors to climate change.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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