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12 Maggio 2009
Online contests on social networks such as Twitter and Facebook are receiving increasing money from diverse sources.
di Staff
11 Maggio 2009
Rafael Chaves Ávila and José Luis Monzón Campos of the International Centre of Research and Information on the Collective Economy (CIRIEC) for the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), The Social Economy in The European Union, 2007; available online from... Ekobanken is a social, ethical bank that offers full banking service for organisations and savings and loans to private persons. The JAK Members Bank is formally a co-operative bank operating an interest-free savings and loan system since 1970....
Undergraduate degrees: Bachelor in Organization Development, Civil Society, Social Trust and Master in Social Leadership – Stockholm, Sköndal; Bachelor in International Economics and Policy (in particular the International Economics and Development and the Public Entrepreneurship and Politics tracks)...
“Voluntary work is the soul of the third sector”, says third sector expert Jacob Beijer. Especially in Sweden, where 75% of the third sector’s work force are volunteers. Jacob Beijer, 40 years old and native to Stockholm, is project manager...
In Sweden it happens. This is the identikit that Lars Pettersson draws up of himself, fully acknowledging the paradox that the Freedom of choice law entails. After all, in his role as general secretary of Famna, a network of non...
Sweden is the first country in Europe to adopt a law on the right of citizens to choose their welfare service provider: the public, the private or the non-profit sector. The bill is still picked up by the State with...
Sweden knows how to do business while taking climate change, gender, human rights and anticorruption into account. According to the non-profit organisations AccountAbility, which aims to promote accountability innovations for sustainable development, Sweden leads the world in Corporate Social Responsibility...
According to the research project Study on Practices and Policies in the Social Enterprises Sector in Europe, published in 2007 by the KMU Forschung Austria – Austrian Institute for SME Research for the European Commission, Directorate General for Enterprise and...
Individual giving The Swedish Fundraising Council says that on average each household gives to social causes about 150 € per annum. About 65% of grown-up Swedes donate to non-profit causes during a year. Non profit organisations that receive more money...
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