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21 Maggio 2009
Involving the public, experts will discuss about Identity and global crises to foster a sustainable economy
di Staff
The CSR Europe’s partner will attend the International conference in Florence – May, 29th-31st
19 Maggio 2009
Is Europe equipped to face a future filled with natural disasters and their consequences? This is the question posed by an EU funded report, predicting a worrying scenario for the continent.
15 Maggio 2009
In 2008 1.7% less worker co-operatives were created than in 2007, the Spanish Confederation of Worker Co-operatives (COCETA) reported
The Irish Association of Non-Governmental Development Organizations (Dochas) published a Manifesto urging Irish MEPs’ commitment in development aid
14 Maggio 2009
The Swiss Philanthropy Forum to talk about the needed changes and reactions to the current crisis in the world of philanthropy
Explaining energy to the public as a way to overcome the Nimby syndrome
13 Maggio 2009
Report published Tuesday by important think tank reveals UK charities governance are not "up to scratch", reports James Boxell, in the Financial Times
Agnieszka Rymsza writes about the recent conference on dealing with housing and autism in Poland where French representatives were invited to speak as showing best practices. Poland were reluctant to follow the "costly" model.
12 Maggio 2009
Brown pledged for under-19s to do 50 hours' compulsory voluntary work
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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