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11 Giugno 2009
The Republic of Macedonia is a recipient of Official Development Assistance (ODA) from all the donors (Development Assistance Committee (DAC) countries, non-DAC countries, multilateral agencies; see the DAC Glossary of Key Terms and Concepts; see also the DAC list of...
di Staff
5 Giugno 2009
Wuer Kaixi was one the leaders of the student protest suppressed in blood by the Army. Ilaria Maria Sala met him in Taiwan where he lives in exile.
4 Giugno 2009
Amnesty denounces exclusion and discrimination towards Roma in many countries of Europe. Maddalena Plebani reports.
3 Giugno 2009
Guides and meetings for civil society organizations to overcome the crisis
29 Maggio 2009
Advice given to the government, the private and the third sector as well as individuals in the Action Plan published after the Ideas Campaign
Ticket sales up £25m and could lead to more ambitious grant funding
27 Maggio 2009
The Danish Government said European Union rules prevented it from freeing charities from the burden of irrecoverable VAT. But a solution has been found. David Ainsworth of Third Sector reported (27 May 2009). Charities in the UK remain locked in...
Ethnic Profiling practices have been found to be on the increase since 9/11 attacks, with worst cases found in Italy where ethnic profiling has been said to be intertwined with policy making
A new option for lawyers nearing the end of their careers in need of a new and idealistic challenge has appeared under the form of "the International Lawyers Project", which promises to use lawyers skills in a global fight for...
26 Maggio 2009
Lisbeth Kirk,'s editor and founder answers questions on the role of media in the European Union, as well as what position democracy plays in the institution's existence.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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