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11 Giugno 2009
The Civil Society Organizations (often indicated with the acronym CSOs) amounted to approximately 7,000 units today in the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM), according to the report written by Zoran Stojkovski of the Center for Institutional Development, CIRa (Civil...
di Staff
A special thank goes to CIRa, Center for Institutional Development in Macedonia, and in particular to Mr Zoran Stojkovski, Executive Director of the Center, for his very useful support.
The creation of a new Charities' Minister post has made voluntary sector leaders happy, as they say the act signals the sector is being taken more seriously.
Center for Institutional Development (CIRa) and BSC Estek for the USAID‘s Civil Society Strengthening Project (CSSP, a project implemented by the Institute for Sustainable Communities, ISC), Philanthropy Research in Macedonia, 2006 (Press Release). Available from General Secretariat of the... Akcija Zdruzenska is a non-profit organization established in July 2004 with a main office in Skopje, as part of the strategic transformation of the Women’s Program within the Foundation Open Society Institute – Macedonia. Its work is based on... Bachelor and Specialist/Master Study in Management of the Environment – Skopje and Struga.
A small recycling plant in Macedonia has turned a garbage dump and ex refugee camp into a business opportunity – and a way to wean Roma refugees off UNHCR dependence Ten years ago Stenkovec was home for a few months...
Individual giving The Philanthropy Research in Macedonia by CIRa and BSC Estek (2006) reported that only 5% of the surveyed population donated to NGOs (considered as a part of the total CSOs). Yet, 70% of the population declared to donate...
According to the Philanthropy Research in Macedonia Report by CIRa and BSC Estek for the USAID compiled in 2006, 10% of the sampled Macedonian population reported volunteering in NGOs, which are an important component of the Macedonian civil society. More...
According to the 2005 Report by the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation, the total number of employees is somewhere between 550 and 1,500 (a mean value of around 1,000 employees) in the civil society sector; the number of part-time employees...
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