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Marzo 2025
1 Luglio 2009
By Maddalena Plebani. Sweden, which takes over the European Presidency on July 1 for the next six months, is the proud owner of a welfare system where horizontal subsidiarity is incorporated into the law.
di Staff
30 Giugno 2009
UN's new campaign, to be properly launched in September makes Climate fighters cool
25 Giugno 2009
Flavia Shaw-Jackson answers questions on FACE's activities in Egypt.
22 Giugno 2009
Medvedev has introduced a set of measures which should alleviate civil groups' repression
19 Giugno 2009
Researches have found that elderly people engaged in purposeful activities, such as volunteering, are likely to live a longer life.
18 Giugno 2009
For the first time from within the European institutions, a working group will discuss the EU funding procedures from the third sector’s point of view
17 Giugno 2009
The need to launch a charter on European Freedom of Press has exposed press repression in Eastern European countries as well as Italy.
A Manifesto to make the EU involve citizens and the civil society in the accession process
16 Giugno 2009
The launch of a new website answering President Barack Obama's campaign pledge to create Craiglist for volunteers creates controversy.
The fund, established in 2007, is once again accepting applications from the health and social care sector
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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