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16 Luglio 2009
“Dialogue” will try to develop synergies among activists and the public administration
di Staff
15 Luglio 2009
Former Polish prime minister to head the European Parliament for two-and-a-half years
Make a (virtual) tour in a refugee camp and meet challenges facing some 42 million people uprooted by war
14 Luglio 2009
According to the European Newspaper Publishers' Association, new laws in Italy and Czech Republic ‘could have grave consequences for journalism’
The biggest solar energy project in the world is about to get off the drawing board
13 Luglio 2009
While the problems of Europe’s biggest minority seem endless, the EU aims to offer some hope despite ‘much talk and little action.’ Testimonies from Roma Europeans, European Roma
Competition and fair staff treatment should be regarded as essential policies for social enterprises
8 Luglio 2009
CGM, a consortium of cooperatives, is a very powerful player in the Italian scenario
A German bank is working for the social commitment of enterprises (and of bank account holders)
7 Luglio 2009
The numbers country by country.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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