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22 Luglio 2009
NGO field workers may work in the margins – of the world and of society. But thanks to an innovative Blog platform and TV network, issues like development and sustainability will now be broadcast live for the world to hear....
di Staff
Antoine Foucher on the Green success in France – an interview by Rose Hackman of VITA Europe With an unprecedented 16% of French votes in last Sunday’s European elections going to Europe Ecologie, the French coalition of green parties led...
Civil Society Organizations have the chance to submit proposals for the IMF governance reform
The campaign, open until 1st October, aims to show people engaged against poverty and social exclusion
The Khomeini foundation, created just after the 1979 revolution, is Iran's biggest non profit foundation.
21 Luglio 2009
Coffee chain to provide internships for disadvantaged young people
Newly-elected chair of the European Parliament's environment committee about EP’s climate package: ‘independent from Copenhagen’
20 Luglio 2009
Pierre Schellekens, appointed by the European Commission Head of Representation in Sweden, talks about Sweden’s presidency of the EU, which runs from July to December
Dóchas and the European Anti-Poverty Network Ireland’s call for MEPs to be accountable to voters for their commitments
16 Luglio 2009
Citizens for European Macedonia’s call to speak up about the country’s Governement
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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