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17 Agosto 2009
Germany's first offshore wind farm has gone online off the North Sea island of Borkum. A year late and 50 million euros over budget, it's still the best hope proponents of green energy have for meeting the country's ambitious emissions...
di Staff
Nesta and Esmee Fairbairn Foundation pledge support
7 Agosto 2009
International Rescue Committee's testimony on the humanitarian situation a year after the war
6 Agosto 2009
Civic duty was the main factor which motivated Poles to participate in June’s elections to the European Parliament.
Response to the BCSDN initiative on programming Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance support for civil society in the Western Balkans
Interview with the Gothenburg-based politician Cecilia Malmström, 41, who has been EU affairs minister since 2006
4 Agosto 2009
Football club's charity of the season partnership is the most successful so far. John Plummer of Third Sector Online reported
Sensitivity on corporate social responsibility is embryonic in Romania as well as elsewhere. Trade unions are absent, the institutions are fragile and the NGOs drawn on the business sector for their fund-raising activity. Claudia Iatan of Osservatorio Bal
3 Agosto 2009
SEL has won a major contract to deliver over 200 jobs in social enterprise over the next 12 months
The newly elected pirate MEP, 49, a former computer programmer from Stockholm, talks about the EU-US relationship, eyes turning towards Sweden again and Europe’s second wave of pirate parties
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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