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17 Agosto 2009
Selene Biffi talks to Kadri Kalle about AEGEE's latest green developments
di Staff
According to the European Research Network – EMES definition of social enterprise[1] (which does not correspond to the definition of social purpose company in Belgium, regulated by a 1996 Law, revised in 2007), the main field of activity of this...
Social purpose companies (sociétés à finalité sociale, SFS) and cooperative societies (recognized by the National Council for Cooperation, CNC) constitute the “commercial company” component of the social economy. To date, no macroeconomic statistics are available on this set of organizations...
According to the 2008 Report Feasibility Study on a European Foundation Institute – Final Report (University of Heidelberg, Centre for Social Investment and Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, 2008), in Belgium there are 665 foundations, of...
Individual giving According to a 2008 IPSOS research, 81% of Belgians see philanthropy as a tool to solve important problems of our time; this figure is higher than the one in Spain, France, Great Britain, Italy and Germany, where giving...
According to the Plate-forme francophone du Volontariat, volunteers are generally defined as those providing services to others or for the collective interest, without any reward in return, and as part of a structure that goes beyond the simple mutual family...
The 2007 Report The Social Economy in the European Union edited by the European Economic and Social Committee highlights that approximately 6.9% of the total paid employment (aged 16-65) in Belgium works in the non-profit sector. Figures for cooperatives, mutual...
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published data valid for 2008 that show that the Net Official Development Assistance (ODA) in Belgium amounts to 2,380 million $ (approximately 1,700 million €), that is: 0.47% of the GNI, whereas...
“The social economy consists of economic activities conducted by companies, mainly cooperatives, mutual societies and associations whose ethics is reflected by the following principles: purpose of service to members or the community rather than profit, managerial autonomy, democratic decision, democratic...
For example from Italy, where the government launched an eco-initiative offering big discounts on bicycles. An overview of two-wheeled fun to spin your summer
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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