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28 Settembre 2009
The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published data valid for 2008 that show that the Net Official Development Assistance (ODA) in the Netherlands amounts to 6,990 million $ (approximately 5,000 million €, at the current exchange rate), that...
di Staff
In the 1990s, a large research project coordinated by Johns Hopkins University found out that the Dutch third sector was among the largest in the world. In terms of non-agricultural employment it was the largest, with 12.9%. The bulk of...
25 Settembre 2009
New NAPO survey finds a "hidden army" within prisons
23 Settembre 2009
Interview with director Erik Gandini on his documentary Videocracy which surprised Venice Film Festival
15 Settembre 2009
Sarkozy wants new international index privileging human well-being over economic growth
14 Settembre 2009
While apathetic countries led by Spain snub it
10 Settembre 2009
A 118% increase in people registering to volunteer. The sector is unable to accommodate all who want to offer their skills for free. Kitty Holland of The Irish Times reported
The German Parliament’s lower house passed a law that paves the way for Lisbon Treaty ratification
9 Settembre 2009
The project promotes the European Union and the benefits of joining it for Republic of Macedonia
The Union’s contradictory behaviour risks damaging Turkey as well as the EU, experts say
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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