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16 Ottobre 2009
The document to guarantee the right to a family for ‘hard to adopt’ children.
di Staff
The world's toughest test for solar cars begins later this month with Swisspirit driver Simon Röösli raring to go along a race track of more than 3,000 kilometres.
An initiative to shed light on the problem of the homeless.
Interview with Carlo Borzaga of Euricse
15 Ottobre 2009
According to a joint study by the Council of Europe and the United Nations, transplant tourism is largely the result of a lack of donors.
12 Ottobre 2009
The protest took place a month before the fall of the Berlin Wall.
President Lech Kaczynski signed the Lisbon Treaty Ratification Bill at midday, Saturday, after delaying his signature for a year and half.
The peace accord was signed on Saturday, but yesterday a speech by Turkey's prime minister made the agreement seem problematic.
7 Ottobre 2009
Although pay gap is narrowing overall says survey
2 Ottobre 2009
On Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary 90 countries from all over the world demonstrate for peace
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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