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2 Novembre 2009
The reasons? No more price difference with standard electricity and lower generation subsidy for solar panels as of 2010.
di Staff
The Ball organized by the Ovidiu Rom Association was held Saturday night in Bucharest and raised around 350,000 €, according to initial estimates.
29 Ottobre 2009
EESC award goes to two anti-mafia organisations in Italy
Brodowin, nestled close to the Polish border, is home to one of Europe's largest farms, the legacy of collectivisation in communist East Germany, and a surprising success story. AFP’s Laure Fillon reports.
Poland’s government is not hopeful for reaching agreement on climate change at the European Council summit in Brussels, starting today.
28 Ottobre 2009
Reversing positive changes in women's rights around the world
A “knowledge community” to understand and find solutions for the most urgent ecological and social concerns of modern life. Without the usual academic hierarchy. By IM Magazine.
An indicator to help Dutch consumers in choosing meat with regards to the animals and the environment.
26 Ottobre 2009
Angela Smith’s meetings in London to spread social enterprises. Gemma Hampson of Social Enterprise reported.
Ahead of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, a Swiss migration expert has called for a greater focus on the plight of humans. Interview by Pierre-François Besson of swissinfo.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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