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Marzo 2025
10 Novembre 2009
Spain was celebrating its commitment to renewable energy yesterday after wind turbines dotted across the country produced more than half of all its electricity for the first time. Graham Keeley of The Times reports.
di Staff
9 Novembre 2009
A 33 short film reportage from a journey along the Iron Curtain.
6 Novembre 2009
An idea by Kulturprojekte Berlin: work-of-art polystyrene blocks of Wall triggering a domino effect.
Jim Carroll of The Irish Times looks at how 10 eco-friendly rock and pop stalwarts have gone eco-friendly.
5 Novembre 2009
The “Tree Day-Plant Your Future” Campaign at its 4th edition. Mia – Macedonian Information Agency reported.
The National Audit Office claimed that efforts of the Development Agency are insufficient. Radio Sweden reported.
4 Novembre 2009
The report compared its findings with an identical 1991 survey. In general, a majority of people in most countries are happier now than then, but are less supportive of democracy and capitalism. Heather Maher of Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty reports
Enjoy a line dance night by providing a new child cloth . By Giovanni Angioni.
3 Novembre 2009
Now, thanks to the search-engine giant, you can monitor your home's energy consumption from anywhere in the world. David Adam of The Guardian reported.
Banners to save the climate hanging from Sagrada Familia's cranes.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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