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Marzo 2025
20 Novembre 2009
According to new survey which shows recession good for some.
di Staff
Van Rompuy to be Council president; Ashton to be foreign policy chief. Tim King of European Voice reported.
16 Novembre 2009
The Estonian President Toomas Hendrik Ilves formally threw his name for new EU posts. Andrew Willis of EU Observer reported.
13 Novembre 2009
The government is facing calls to increase its development aid contributions to improve the coherency and focus of its policy. Urs Geiser of Swissinfo reported.
Study shows European citizens vulnerable to media bias
12 Novembre 2009
According to the amending Law, the punishment for trafficking of minors is lighter if committed by a family member than if perpetrated by a non-family member.
Certified third sector providers can be chosen by the public to deliver social services. Without any additional cost
11 Novembre 2009
According to the Junior communities and local government minister Barbara Follett , this transfer “can bring real added social value” . Chrisanthi Giotis of Social Enterprise reported.
On religious grounds, the mayor of the Dutch town of Urk has banned a demonstration by environmental activist group Groenfront! (Green Front) planned for Sunday 15 November.
Meanwhile, a Polish suggestion that candidates should give job interview-type presentations before the final choice is gaining in popularity. Andrew Rettman of EU Observer reports.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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