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Febbraio 2025
31 Marzo 2014
The Lloyds Bank and Bank of Scotland Social Entrepreneurs Programme supports projects looking to improve local communities. Deadline for applications: the 3rd of April.
di Staff
27 Marzo 2014
At the I Congreso Iberoamericano de Voluntariado Corporativo, an event gathering businesses, NGOs and public institutions from both sides of the Atlantic over the course of eight months
19 Marzo 2014
On 3-5 April more than 600 developers will gather simultaneously across 8 Spanish cities in a hackathon- this year at its 2nd edition - in order to develop technological applications to help overcome social challenges.
18 Marzo 2014
At ESADE’s Annual Conference, that will take place in Barcelona on the 1st of April 2014. Its theme: “Organisations with a social impact”.
13 Marzo 2014
Impact Invest Scandinavia has launched 6-month Investment Readiness Programme to support ventures that are in early commercial phase or wish to seek capital to scale-up.
11 Marzo 2014
Social Tech Seed offers early-stage investment to entrepreneurs looking to develop new ventures using digital to tackle big social issues
10 Marzo 2014
Les Toiles Enchantées is an association helping hospitalized children through projecting films for them, giving them a sense of freedom which they need so much.
28 Febbraio 2014
The European Parliament is organizing a series of events on the occasion of Women’s Day, which takes place on 8 March.
27 Febbraio 2014
Applications are now open for the SEED Awards, launched by the SEED Initiative.This year SEED will make available 55 awards. Winners will receive a tailor-made business support package. Deadline for applications:8th April 2014.
25 Febbraio 2014
The Innovation Convention, this year at its second edition, is an essential part of the Innovation Union, one of the seven flagship initiatives of the Europe 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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