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Marzo 2025
8 Marzo 2010
Special report from the ground in Haiti in occasion of the 100th international women's day on March 8
di Staff
5 Marzo 2010
A longstanding proposal for the creation of a special U.N. agency for women – officially called a “gender entity” – is apparently moving at the sluggish pace of a paralytic snail.
4 Marzo 2010
Special report on African migrants in Italy who, on 1 March 2010, took to the streets in peaceful protest
3 Marzo 2010
Interview with Carmen Fernàndez Gibbs, Director of the Chilean National Emergency Agency
Transparency International has found that corruption is endemic in Greece
1 Marzo 2010
Quake and tsunamis in Chile have left a heavy toll: both humanly and economically
25 Febbraio 2010
Prospects are dim for Albania's children according to World Vision Albania
By tradition, many welfare and health services are provided by non-profit organizations. But the third sector still receives the bulk of its funding from the State
23 Febbraio 2010
The fate of 4,000 refugees held hostage on an island
18 Febbraio 2010
The couple dozen people who sleep in Milan's Linate airport present a new face to urban poverty
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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