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Marzo 2025
17 Marzo 2010
The Plastiki team takes on the Great Pacific Garbage Patch
di Staff
The University offer highlights the sensibility of the youth towards the social economy. Yet, financial generosity to NPOs is not well-established
16 Marzo 2010
National holiday overshadowed by political rallies
Taking on the bottled water industry
11 Marzo 2010
Countries unite to clean up the worlds most international river basin
Europe's largest human rights film festival featuring Iran
10 Marzo 2010
Hungarian citizens united in the fight to save the Dunakeszi marsh
9 Marzo 2010
What can be learned from Puertollano's booming solar industry gone bust
Britain sends South Africa 42m condoms in HIV fight before World Cup
New opportunities are given to charities to deliver public services
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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