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14 Aprile 2010
Dublin's bike sharing program "the most successful in the world"
di Staff
13 Aprile 2010
For decades, the World Database of Happiness has tracked down how happy people are—not at all happy, not very happy, quite happy, or very happy. As it turns out, most of us are mostly happy, even when things aren’t going...
9 Aprile 2010
A new European law could see power given to citizens on the ground bypassing institutional procedures. Courtney Clinton investigates.
A five fold increase in postal rates threatens to have dramatic effects on the Italian third sector
8 Aprile 2010
For the past two decades, third sector activities in Hungary have been focused on the development of Hungarian civil society. The circle of organizations working in the field of international development remains quite small, but recently Hungarian NGOs have shown...
As of 2008 there were 22,723 foundations in Hungary, compared to 34,410 associations. This gap is likely to grow as the current trend sees the number of associations increasing twice as rapidly as the number of foundations (11). Foundations, like...
1. Interview with Barbara Eros, Project Manager, Foundation for Development of Democratic Rights (DemNet), Budapest. 17 March 2010. 2. Interview with Peter Nizak, Senior Manager, Open Society Institute (OSI), Budapest. 24 March 2010. 3. Interview with Anna Mária Bartal, Associate...
Democratization in Hungary made room for the emergence of a flourishing civil sector. Efforts to build it up were boosted by foreign donors who believed that a strong civil society would help guarantee democratic values. In recent years it has...
In 1989, the Right of Association Act was passed in accordance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It states that the right of association is a fundamental freedom to which everyone is entitled and which the country...
The financial crisis has also had a detrimental affect on the state of giving in Hungary. Non profit organizations have been noting a general sense of apathy within civil society and a drop in the level of donations. The 1%...
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