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Marzo 2025
20 Maggio 2010
Volunteers in Germany are waining and the length of civil service is about to too.
di Staff
19 Maggio 2010
Paul English, the cofounder of travel search engine, wants to blanket all of Africa with free and low-cost Wi-Fi. It’s a “big, big project,” one that will consume the next decade of his life, English tells JoinAfrica aims...
Nutriset has been accused of stopping other companies from saving children's lives.
3 Maggio 2010
New figures show adopted children are being returned to orphanages in the tens of thousands.
30 Aprile 2010
The Louisiana wetlands are under imminent threat: Greenpeace UK reports.
28 Aprile 2010
For almost a year, Sheena Matheiken has lived her life as a calendar girl for sustainable fashion. A New Yorker who is originally from India, she is the creator of the Uniform Project, a fashion blog that has steadily gained...
23 Aprile 2010
Vita's campaign to repeal the Italian government's move to abolish postal subsidies for the third sector.
21 Aprile 2010
The EU commission has announced a proposal to revamp the EU’s aid efforts.
The third sector in Hungary has faced a major blow by the global financial crisis, awakening a perhaps latent need to reidentify civil society’s role. It’s evolution has been marked by four defining moments. Boom: After democratic transition in 1989,...
19 Aprile 2010
The truth behind Emergency NGO activities in Afghanistan and its workers' recent release
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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