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22 Giugno 2010
Find out how EU civil society is faring the crisis. In the spotlight: UK, Austria, The Netherlands, Sweden
di Staff
The trumpet could soon become the instrument of choice for French unions protesting government pension reforms.
21 Giugno 2010
Lester Salamon reflects on the twentieth anniversary of the Amato Law that established Italian Foundations of Banking Origin
17 Giugno 2010
Ahead of the June 17 European Council, Caritas Europa calls on politicians to build a strong social dimension
16 Giugno 2010
The heads of the EU member states are meeting in Brussels. At the centre of their meeting will be more talks about cuts.
UNCR releases Global Trends 2009 report: more people uprooted and fewer repatriated last year
15 Giugno 2010
The World Cup could be stimulating the economy for the trafficking of children as young as eight years old.
13 Giugno 2010
As Belgium votes its new leaders, these authors question the meaning of identiy and call for unity not separation.
Belgian elections cast a shadow on the coming EU presidency: interview with civil society voice Arnaud Zacharie
11 Giugno 2010
Tragic suicides in a Foxconn factory in Taiwan cast doubts on Oxfam's CSR rating. Here are the NGO's answers.
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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