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Marzo 2025
10 Settembre 2010
African Bishops meet European leaders prior to the MDGs Summit in New York (20-22 September)
di Staff
9 Settembre 2010
A new poll ranks non profit internships amongst the worst
By the end of September VITAeurope's parent organization Vita Non Profit Content Company will be listed on the London stock exchange
8 Settembre 2010
George Soros Donates $100 million to human rights group to help them expand their global presence
7 Settembre 2010
Report says more skills training is needed for the volunteers behind Britain's Big Society.
2 Settembre 2010
As of September 28 the world's social entrepreneurs will have 6 million (more) reasons to like Guinness
25 Agosto 2010
Luigi Campiglio: The giving of Waren Buffet and Bill Gates could also make Italy happy
24 Agosto 2010
The Peter Mackler journalism award goes to Russian journalist for his investigation into high level corruption
23 Agosto 2010
The UN urges to celebrate diversity on the day for the rememberance of the slave trade
19 Agosto 2010
European Commissioner Kristalina Georgiev reminds us how dangerous, and important, relief work is
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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