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Marzo 2025
24 Settembre 2010
Civil society welcomes new ideas but says governments still have to meet MDGs spending commitments
di Staff
This is European Social Innovation: an award for projects that find new solutions to old problems.
23 Settembre 2010
The High Representative on EU Foreign Affairs, Catherine Ashton, is special guest at Euclid's AGM
22 Settembre 2010
New EU Strategy for gender equality has potential to deliver results, says European Women’s Lobby
The European Year of Volunteering is offering 27 volunteer reporters a chance at fame and fortune...
20 Settembre 2010
Singer and activist Bono Vox explains the Millennium Development Goals
14 Settembre 2010
Charities will fight the government's proposal to cut sickness benefit payments
13 Settembre 2010
A new Red Cross campaign teaches young people first aid for emergency situations linked to drinking
Erdogan celebrates as Turkey votes in favor of amending the constitution. Critics doubt sincerity of measures
11 Settembre 2010
VITA Content Company presents Vita International in Brussels
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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