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5 Novembre 2010
Civil society says that Romanian President made racist remarks agains Roma people
di Staff
The 2010 Human Development Report says that development is being weighed down by inequalities
4 Novembre 2010
The European organisation's annual conference, held on November 4 and 5, will focus on care giving.
2 Novembre 2010
EU internal market commissioner Michel Barnier turns to civil society to reform financial regulation
29 Ottobre 2010
The ugly bug ball, a dating service for the “aesthetically challenged”, celebrates its first engagement.
Food for thought. Ethical finance analyst Ron Robins explains why not all charities fund ethical ventures
27 Ottobre 2010
VITA Società Editoriale celebrates its 16 anniversary this week and its success on the stock market.
26 Ottobre 2010
Report says there’s a coordinated effort by European polluters to block climate action policy on a global scale
22 Ottobre 2010
Only €113 million, never before has funding been so low. In 2007 funding peaked at almost €300 million, ever since it has continued to decrease.
20 Ottobre 2010
Chancellor George Osborne announces the British government’s austerity package
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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