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14 Dicembre 2010
A Eurostat report reveals that 81 million Europeans live in poverty and risk social exclusion
di Staff
A picture of a country which “keeps being pushed out by the European Union”.
13 Dicembre 2010
Lombardy is not only Italy's richest region, it is also its most innovative and is leading the way in family and work best practices
The Italian region of Lombardy awards family friendly businesses, institutions and non profit organisations with a special prize
10 Dicembre 2010
Civil society has set a date for its protest against the government's funding cuts: Rome, December 16
9 Dicembre 2010
With the help of Greenpeace and Avaaz, one million Europeans have presented the first Citizens' Initative
December 9 is International Anti-Corruption Day. Find out what battles civil society organisations are carrying forward this year.
6 Dicembre 2010
Rights organizations are celebrating today the EU is one step closer to joining the UN convention on rights for the disabled
2 Dicembre 2010
The third sector will know whether it has won its 400 million euros back on December 14.
Tune in to the world's first online film festival entirely dedicated to volunteering
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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