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Marzo 2025
28 Dicembre 2010
As 2010 just closed we take a look at what the non profit world has been up to this year.
di Staff
23 Dicembre 2010
A 22 year old Swede living in Kosovo reflects on the future of a nation that declared its independence 2 years ago but is still plagued by social problems
22 Dicembre 2010
The 300 million euros missing from the sector's budget have been replaced
21 Dicembre 2010
Funding for the third sector is 300 million euros short but a decree may come just in time for a top-up
20 Dicembre 2010
A Swedish town proves that energy can be both sustainable and cost effective
Loss of biodiversity means increased risks for business, but does the corporate world hear the alarm bells?
16 Dicembre 2010
Until the government gives back the 300 million euros it cut from the non profit budget the protests will continue
A report issued by the Red Cross calls on the EU to strengthen its disaster assistance laws
International Migrants Day 2010. A Human Rights Watch report highlights the risks run by 215 million migrants
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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