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27 Gennaio 2011
At a time when many UK charities are facing a tough funding environment, a UK survey finds that how charities invest their money affects the way people perceive them.
di Staff
26 Gennaio 2011
The United Nations Global Compact has expelled 2 thousand companies from its framework in a move towards stricter guidelines
January 27 is international remembrance for the Holocaust day. Can Google help us to never forget?
A forum hosted by the Committee of the Regions discusses the potential of volunteering in Europe
21 Gennaio 2011
Bain will lead the international Catholic development network for the next three years
18 Gennaio 2011
A charity called Hope has published the most in-depth report into homelessness in the Czech Republic
17 Gennaio 2011
A new, global partnership between English and Russian energy giants opens Arctic to deep sea drills
10 Gennaio 2011
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity hit the 9 million euro mark during this year's fundraiser
7 Gennaio 2011
Nike's latest shoes aren't made of plastic or leather, but paper. Will the idea catch on?
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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