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Febbraio 2025
5 Settembre 2014
The European Heritage Days is a joint initiative managed by the European Commission and the Council of Europe. It takes place across Europe every year throughout September.
di Staff
4 Settembre 2014
September 13th is Social Saturday, a day to celebrate and buy from social enterprises - businesses that put people and planet first.
6 Agosto 2014
The European Commission adopted on 5 August the Danish Operational Programme for the implementation of the European Social Fund in the period 2014-2020. 400 million euros in EU funds, of which over 200 from the EU budget, will go to...
5 Agosto 2014
“The Change Makers” is a competition run by Community Channel’s Do Something Brilliant campaign in partnership with The Sunday Times. The aim: inspire people across the UK to do something brilliant and celebrate those individuals whose ideas have had a...
1 Agosto 2014
Over a 100 applications hope to win 2014 awards, launched by CERMI, the Spanish umbrella organization representing the interests of more than 4 million women and men with disabilities in Spain
31 Luglio 2014
The Unilever Sustainable Living Young Entrepreneurs Awards support inspiring initiatives from youth aged 30 or under that tackle the challenge of sustainable living. Deadline for applications is 1 August 2014.
9 Giugno 2014
An international programme, created by Impact Hub together with AXA Seguros and Swiss Re Foundation, to support entrepreneurs and social innovators tackling the challenges linked to the ageing population and the increase in human’s life expectancy.
29 Maggio 2014
The conference aims at focusing on the underlying situation and the measures taken at European level to step up active inclusion and social investment.
27 Maggio 2014
The final event for the #DeleteCyberbullying project, led by COFACE, is going to take place on the 4th of June in Brussels.
20 Maggio 2014
During a meeting with the Italian Third Sector protagonists Italian Prime Minister announces that a European third sector summit will be held in Milan during the Italian EU presidency
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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