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Marzo 2025
2 Marzo 2011
A day at the temporary immigration center in Lampedusa.
di Staff
1 Marzo 2011
A conference in Brussels to raise awareness of the impact of migration on children left behind by parents working abroad
Conference in Brussels raises awareness of impact of migration on children left behind by parents working abroad
24 Febbraio 2011
Amnesty International calls on Serbian authorities to continue bringing those guilty of ethnic murders to justice
23 Febbraio 2011
Interview with Johnny Dotti, president of Welfare Italia
22 Febbraio 2011
Slow living. According to the experts, New York is the slowest city in the world
Two brand-new online courses are available for free: Youth and the MDGs and Ethical Consumerism.
21 Febbraio 2011
A campaign to establish a tax on financial transactions could raise millions of euros for development
16 Febbraio 2011
Ban Ki-moon's message for the World Day of Social Justice, 20 February 2011
According to the EU, literacy rates in Europe are lagging far behind the rest of the world
La rivista dell’innovazione sociale.
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